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Lab members

Hamann Bianca

Bianca Hamann, MSc

PhD candidate

Platzhalter Bild

Pamela Sabarstinski, MSc

Platzhalter Bild

Margarete Müglich

MD student
(funded by the Carus Promotionskolleg, 2019)

Platzhalter Bild

Franziska Horn

MD student
(funded by the Carus Promotionskolleg, 2020)

Platzhalter Bild

Frieda Frank

MD student
(funded by the Carus Promotionskolleg, 2021)

Open positions

We are always looking for highly motivated MD students to join our group and to work on our research projects. A one-year interruption of studies is obligatory.


Thanks for your interest in our research. Please get in touch with us in terms of questions, comments regarding our work or open positions.

Dr. rer. nat. Anja Hofmann

+49 351 458 16607

Dr. med. Steffen Wolk