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Academic research:

Since 2020Postdoc National Center for Tumor Disease (NCT) and Institute for Clinical Genetics, Dresden, Junior Research Group of Dr. Arne Jahn “Hereditary Tumor Syndromes”. I am participating in the MASTER program and coordinating various research projects on hereditary tumor disease. 
2019 - 2020Postdoc in Institute for Human Genetics, Innsbruck, Prof. Dr. Johannes Zschocke. I learned basic diagnostics in molecular genetics. 
2011 - 2018Postdoc in the lab of Dr. Jose Luis García Pérez, GENYO, Granada, Spain, and IGMM, University of Edinburgh, UK. I was studying LINE elements as mediators of somatic mosaicism and neuronal plasticity in the brain, using cell culture and zebrafish as model systems
2005 - 2010PhD thesis at the Max Planck Institute of Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) in Dresden, Germany, lab of Prof. Dr. Christian Dahmann. I was working on the role of morphogen gradients in directing cell shape of epithelial cells.


2013 - 2015Postdoctoral stipend of the Marie Curie IEF 7th Framework Program, “Somatic mosaicism – LINE retrotransposition in somatic cells”
2011 - 2013Postdoctoral stipend of the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), “LINE elements as mediators of genomic variability and neuronal plasticity in the brain: development of a zebrafish model” 
2005 - 2009Predoctoral stipend of the Max-Planck Society, Germany
2003 - 2005Scholarship of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung)


2014Best Scientific Photo Award, GENYO Granada