Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge

Publikationen Dr. rer. nat. Fabian Baum, Dipl.-Psych.

Publikationen in Peer Review Journals (Stand: November 2024)


Baum F, Schmitt J, Nagel O, Jacob J, Seifert M, Adorjan K, Tüscher O, Lieb K, Hölzel LP, Wiegand HF. Reductions in inpatient and outpatient mental health care in germany during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic - What can we learn for a better crisis preparedness? Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2024 Dec;274(8):2037-2046. doi: 10.1007/s00406-024-01909-6. Epub 2024 Oct 2. PMID: 39356326; PMCID: PMC11579190.

Von Peter, S., Ziegenhagen, J., Göppert, L., Glück, R., Jänchen, P., Baum, F., Neumann, A., Beeker, T., Schwarz, J., Heinze, M., Timm, J., Ignatyev, Y. Participatory process evaluation of flexible and integrative treatment (FIT) models in German psychiatry – a mixed method study. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 2024.

Neumann, A., Schmitt, J., Seifert, M., Kliemt, R., March, S., Hackl, D., Swart, E., Pfennig, A., Baum, F. Changes in patient care through flexible and integrated treatment programs in German psychiatric hospitals: meta-analyses based on a series of controlled claims-based cohort studies. BMC Psychiatry, 2024. 24(1): 74.


Garcia, T.B., Kliemt, R., Claus, F., Neumann, A., Soltmann, B., Baum, F., Schwarz, J., Swart, E., Schmitt, J., Pfennig, A., Hackl, D., Weinhold, I. Agreement between self-reports and statutory health insurance claims data on healthcare utilization in patients with mental disorders. BMC Health Serv Res, 2023. 23(1): 1243.

Jacob, J., Walker, J., Swart, E., Baum, F., Rößler, M., Tesch, F., Walther, F., Wiegand, H.F., Ihle, P., Schmitt, J. Potentiale von und Empfehlungen zur Nutzung von GKV Routinedaten in einer pandemischen Versorgungslage – Erfahrungen aus dem Projekt egePan-Unimed des Netzwerk Universitätsmedizin (NUM). Gesundheitswesen, 2022(EFirst).

Neumann, A., Soltmann, B., Kliemt, R., Weinhold, I., Schmitt, J., Pfennig, A., Baum, F. Health-related quality of life among patients with treated alcohol use disorders, schizophreniform disorders or affective disorders and the influence of flexible and integrative psychiatric care models in Germany (PsychCare). Front Psychiatry, 2023. 14: 1068087.

von Peter, S., Ziegenhagen, J.,  Göppert, L., Glück, R.*, Jänchen, P., Baum, F.Neumann, A., Beeker, T., Schwarz, J., Heinze, M., Timm, J., Ignatyev, Y. (2023) Participatory process evaluation of flexible and integrative treatment (FIT) models in German psychiatry – a mixed method study. JMMR (angenommen)


Baum, F., Schmitt, J., Seifert, M., Kliemt, R., Kubat, D,, March, S., Häckl, D., Pfennig, A., Swart, E., Neumann, A. (2022) Lengths of inpatient stay and sick leave of patients with mental diseases: disorder-specific effects of flexible and integrated treatment programs in Germany. Transl Psychiatry. 2022 Sep 7;12(1):370. doi: 10.1038/s41398-022-02131-5. PMID: 36071050; PMCID: PMC9452681.

Jacob, J., Walker, J., Swart, E., Baum, F., Rößler, M., Tesch, F., Walther, F., Wiegand, H.F., Ihle, P., Schmitt, J. (2022) Potentiale von und Empfehlungen zur Nutzung von GKV Routinedaten in einer pandemischen Versorgungslage – Erfahrungen aus dem Projekt egePan-Unimed des Netzwerk Universitätsmedizin (NUM) Das Gesundheitswesen. DOI: 10.1055/a-1915-4526

Lünsmann, B. J., Polotzek, K., Kleber, C., Gebler R., Bierbaum, V., Walther, F., Baum, F., Juncken, K., Forkert, C., Lange, T., Held, H.C., Mogwitz, A., Weidemann, R.R., Sedlmayr, M., Lakowa, N., Stehr, S.N., Albrecht, M., Karschau, J., Schmitt, J. Regional responsibility and coordination of appropriate inpatient care capacities for patients with COVID-19 - the German DISPENSE model. PLoS One. 2022 Jan 27;17(1):e0262491. PMID: 35085297; PMCID: PMC8794159.

Schwarz, J., Ignatyev, Y., Baum, F., Neumann, A., Soltmann, B., Pfennig, A., Timm, J., Heinze, M., von Peter, S. Settingübergreifende Behandlung in der Psychiatrie: Umsetzung spezifischer Versorgungsmerkmale an Kliniken der Modell- und Regelversorgung (PsychCare-Studie). Nervenarzt93, 476–482 (2022).

von Peter, S., Krispin, H., Glück, R.K., Ziegenhagen, J., Göppert, L., Jänchen, P., Schmid, C. Neumann, A.,Baum, F., Soltmann, B., Heinze, M., Schwarz, J., Beeker, T., Ignatyev, Y.  Needs and Experiences in Psychiatric Treatment (NEPT) -piloting a collaboratively generated, initial research tool to evaluate cross-sectoral mental health services. Frontiers in Psychiatry, section Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Rehabilitation. 2022 Jan (angenommen)


Neumann, A., Baum, F., Seifert, M., Schoffer, O., Kliemt, R., March, S., Hackl, D., Swart, E., Pfennig, A., Schmitt, J.
Verringerung vollstationärer Behandlungstage in psychiatrischen Kliniken mit Modellvorhaben zur patientenzentrierten Versorgung mit globalem Budget (§ 64b SGB V) - Ergebnisse mit dreijähriger Nachbeobachtung aus der Evaluationsstudie EVA64. [Reduction of Days in Inpatient Care in Psychiatric Hospitals with Flexible and Integrated Treatment for Patient-Centered Care with a Global Budget - Results with Three-Year Follow-up from the Evaluation Study EVA64].
Psychiatr Prax, 2021. 48(3): 127-134.

Neumann, A., Hense, H., Baum, F., Kliemt, R., Seifert, M., Harst, L., Kubat, D., Maicher, B., Schrey, C., Schmitt, J., Pfennig, A., Weinhold, I., Swart, E., Soltmann, B.
Evaluation of a flexible and integrative psychiatric care model in a department of child and adolescent psychiatry in Tubingen, Germany: study protocol (EVA_TIBAS).
BMC Health Serv Res, 2021. 21(1): 1262.

Soltmann, B., Neumann, A., March, S., Weinhold, I., Hackl, D., Kliemt, R., Baum, F., Romanos, M., Schwarz, J., von Peter, S., Ignatyev, Y., Arnold, K., Swart, E., Heinze, M., Schmitt, J., Pfennig, A.
Multiperspective and Multimethod Evaluation of Flexible and Integrative Psychiatric Care Models in Germany: Study Protocol of a Prospective, Controlled Multicenter Observational Study (PsychCare).
Front Psychiatry, 2021. 12(869): 659773.


Baum, F., Schoffer, O., Neumann, A., Seifert, M., Kliemt, R., March, S., Swart, E., Hackl, D., Pfennig, A., Schmitt, J. Effectiveness of Global Treatment Budgets for Patients With Mental Disorders-Claims Data Based Meta-Analysis of 13 Controlled Studies From Germany. Front Psychiatry, 2020. 11: 131.

March, S., Zimmermann, L., Kubat, D., Neumann, A., Schmitt, J., Baum, F., Schoffer, O., Arnold, K., Seifert, M., Kliemt, R., Hackl, D., Pfennig, A., Swart, E. [Methodological Challenges when Using Claims Data of more than 70 Statutory Health Insurances - A Progress Report from the EVA64 Study]. Gesundheitswesen, 2020. 82(S 01): S4-S12.


Rasche, S., Trumpp, A., Schmidt, M., Plotze, K., Gatjen, F., Malberg, H., Matschke, K., Rudolf, M., Baum, F., Zaunseder, S. Remote Photoplethysmographic Assessment of the Peripheral Circulation in Critical Care Patients Recovering From Cardiac Surgery. Shock, 2019. 52(2): 174-182.


Neumann, A., Swart, E., Hackl, D., Kliemt, R., March, S., Kuester, D., Arnold, K., Petzold, T., Baum, F., Seifert, M., Weiss, J., Pfennig, A., Schmitt, J. The influence of cross-sectoral treatment models on patients with mental disorders in Germany: study protocol of a nationwide long-term evaluation study (EVA64). BMC Psychiatry, 2018. 18(1): 139.