Poster sessions
Poster sessions
13:30-14:30 Saturday, 4th of Dec - Poster presentations (60 min)
Presenters are asked to be present during 13:30 to
Poster boards will be available from the morning
of the 3rd of Dec on, posters should be taken down in the afternoon of the 4th
of Dec
Cross-modal interactions
P01 Crossmodal olfactory-visual integration in humans
Jessica Albrecht1; Valentin Schriever2,
Eva C. Alden1, Johan N. Lundström1,3,4
1,3Philadelphia; 2
Göttingen; 4Stockholm;
P02 An Examination of Behavioral Odor Data in Sensory disabled individuals
Adile Oniz*,
Ipek Erdogan, Onur Bayazit, Murat Ozgoren;
Izmir; *
P03 Auditory cues modulate odor pleasantness
Han-Seok Seo, Franziska Lohse, Thomas Hummel
Odor memory / Odor induced emotions
P04 The Neural Architecture of Autobiographical Odor-Evoked Memories
Artin Arshamian1,2,
Emilia Iannilli2 , Johan Willander1, Jonas Persson3,Han-seok
Seo2, & Thomas Hummel2, Maria Larsson1
1,3 Stockholm; 2 Dresden;
P05 Revisiting the myth of the longevity of olfactory memory
Stina Cornell Kärnekull,
Fredrik U Jönsson, Johan Willander, & Maria Larsson;
P06 Olfactory learning during sleep
Anat Arzi, Limor Shedlesky
Anton Plotkin, Aharon Weissbrod and Noam Sobe;
P07 Ambient urban odors evoke basic emotions
Elisabeth Lingg1, Sandra Weber2, Eva Heuberger1,3
1 Vienna; 2 San Diego, 3 Saabrücken;
Olfactory function
P08 Varying the mode of sniffing alters intra-nasal odorant concentrations
Jonathan Beauchamp1, Mandy Scheibe2, Thomas Hummel2
and Andrea Buettner1,3
1Freising; 2 Dresden; 3Erlangen,
P09 Olfactory fat detection in human subjects
Sanne Boesveldt1,2,
Eva C. Alden1, Johan N. Lundström1,3,4
1Philadelphia; 2Wageningen;
P10 A behavioural odour-similarity “space” in larval Drosophila
Chen Yi-chun,
Mishra Dushyant, Schmitt Linda, Michael Schmuker, Gerber Bertram
P11 Dissimilarity of blending mixture and components in an olfactory space
Thierry Thomas-Danguin2, Adeline Chambault2, Noelle Béno2,
Benoist Schaal1, Gérard Coureaud1
1,2 Dijon;
Trigeminal function
P12 Trigeminal modulation of olfactory reception
Philipp Daiber and
Frank Möhrlen
P13 Training the inter-nostril localization ability of olfactory chemicals
Simona Negoias1, Oxana Aszmann 1,
and Johannes Gerber 2 and Thomas Hummel 1
1,2 Dresden;
Odor valence
P14 On the relation between perceived intensity and pleasantness of olfactory stimuli and brain activity observed using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)
Friedrich Müller1, Necla Soyak1,
Kathrin Kandel1, Bernd Weber2, Jennifer Faber2,
Simona Negoias3, Artin Arshamian3, and Thomas Hummel3
1 Lueneburg, 2Bonn; 3Dresden;
P15 Hormones as Predictors of Odor Pleasantness?
Sokratis Trellakis a, Cornelia Fischer a,
Jens Greve a, Alena Rydleuskaya a, Sefik Tagay b, André Scherag c, Ali E.
Canbay d, Thomas K. Hoffmann a, Stephan Lang a, Sven Brandau a
a-d Essen;
Mixed bag
P16 Delayed decrease of pleasantness ratings in congenital anosmia during consumption of a simple food
Lenka Novakova1, Viola
Engelhardt2, Jan Havlicek1, Ilona Croy2
1 Prague, 2 Dresden;
P17 Infant Olfactory Event-Related Potentials
Góis-Eanes, M.*, Cruz, S.*, Schuster, B.**, Gonçalves, O.*, Sampaio, A.*
* Minho, ** Dresden;
P18 Olfactory effect on semantic access : Do odors influence children’s verbal fluency ?
Alix Seigneuric1 2 ; Karine Durand 1 2; Daniel McCall 3; Tao Jiang 1 2; Benoist Schaal 1 2
1Dijon ; 2Dijon-Dresden EAL 549 ; 3Gettysburg,
P19 Sexually dimorphic hypothalamic responses to steroid compound androstadienone – an fMRI study
Sarah M. Burke1, Johannes Gerber2,
Dick Veltman3, Thomas Hummel4, Julie Bakker156
1,3,6: Amsterdam;
2,4: Dresden; 5: Liege;
P20 Olfactory granule cell-specific silencing slows down odor discrimination time in mice
Bhavana Shrivastava1, Ruud
Toonen2, Matthijs Verhage2 and Thomas Kuner1
1 Heidelberg; 2 Amsterdam;
Odors modulate behavior
P21 Stress-reducing effects from orange odor exposure in humans in an experimental setting
Monique Smeets1, Jasper de Groot1, Annemarie Kaldewaij1, Alexander Toet2, Lorenz van Doornen1
P22 Sandalwood oil alters facial attractiveness
Iris Stappen1,
Martina Hoeferl1, Eva Heuberger1,2
1 Vienna 2Saarbruecken;
P23 No brain-response to a human chemosignal in congenital anosmia
Sagit Shushan1, 2,
Yaara Yeshurun1, Yehuda Roth2, and Noam Sobel1
1 Rehovot, 2Holon;
P24 Helicobacter pylori infection and smell-taste distortion: a case report
Maria Paola Cecchini1, Camilla
Pellegrini2, Maria Antonietta Bassetto1, Francesco
Osculati3, Andrea Sbarbati1, Marcolini L4, and Lucia De Franceschi2
1,2,4Verona 3 Messina;
P25 Structural and functional alterations in the olfaction system associated with Parkinson Disease
Jochen Klucken1,
Carolin Moessnang2, Johannes Kahlis3, Nina Mallog3,
Beate Winner4, Gerhard Schuierer3, Mark Greenlee2,
Juergen Winkler1
1,2 Erlangen, 2,3 Regensburg;
P26 Olfactory neuroblastoma: Our ten-year experience
Alberto Macchi°, ;Fabio
Ferreli° ; Luca Volpi^ ; Stefania Gallo*; Paolo Castelnuovo°
° Varese; ^ Sassari;
* Brescia,
P27 Taste disorder and sensory dysfunction after middle ear surgery
Akiko Sakaguchi, Tomomi Nin,
Hirokazu Katsura, and Masafumi Sakagami
P28 Congenitally anosmic adults report less maternal care than normosmics - a retrospective questionnaire study
Lenka Novakova1,
Jan Havlicek1, and Ilona Croy2
1 Prague; 2 Dresden,
Assessment of smell and taste
P29 The depth of the olfactory sulcus is an indicator of congenital anosmia
Huart C1,2, Meusel T3, Gerber J4, Rombaux P1, Hummel T3
1,2Brussels, 3,4 Dresden;
P30 Riech-O-Mat: A small and simple olfactometer for fMRI studies
J.U. Sommer, C. Heiser, B.A.Stuck, T. Hummel
Mannheim and Dresden;
P31 Automated odor presentation for odor identification testing
Valentin Schriever1, Samanta Sviana2,
and Thomas Hummel3
1Goettingen; 2Salvaterra de Magos; 3
P32 A new test for qualitative olfactory dysfunction using an extended version of the “Sniffin`Sticks”
B Renner1, S Zapf1, AH Esmi2, I Esfandeyari2, CA
1 Erlangen, 2 Vienna;
P33 Does the method of limits reveal subjects’ capability to determine odor thresholds?
Friedrich Müller and Matthias Metz
P34 Assessment of oral trigeminal sensitivity in healthy subjects by electrical stimulation.
Timomi Nin
P35 OLAF, a Sniffin' Sticks test software
C. Hummel1, A. Zucco2, E. Iannilli1,
B. Landis3, T. Hummel1
1 Dresden, 2 Padova 3 Bern;
P36 From subjective to objective electrogustometry
Tomasz Kamiński and Antoni Grzanka
Warsaw, Poland;
P37 From manual to automatic subjective electrogustometry
Tomasz Kamiński1,
Antoni Grzanka1, Anna Choromańska12
1 Warsaw, Poland; 2 New York,
P38 Representation of umami and salt taste in the human brain
Singh PB1,3,
Iannilli E1, Schuster B1, Gerber J2, Hummel T1
1,2Dresden, 2,Oslo
P39 Olfactory dysfunction in patients with Parkinson’s disease is related to gray matter atrophy in regions of the olfactory cortex
Antje Welge-Lüssen1,
Elise Wattendorf2, Thomas Hummel3, Birgit Westermann4
1Basel, 2 Fribourg, 3Dresden,
4 Basel;