December Meeting on "Smell and Taste" supported by the Working Group on Olfaction and Gustation of the German ENT society, 1./2. December 2023 in Geneva
Dear colleagues:
We would like to invite you to the December Meeting on "Smell and Taste" which is supported by the Working Group on Olfaction and Gustation of the German ENT society, on the 1./2. December 2023. The program starts on Friday at 13.30h, and finishes on Saturday at 14:00h.
The meeting will be international, congress languages are German and English. Talks may be presented in German or English , but we kindly request slides to be written in English.
Hôpitaux Universitaire de Genève, Auditoire (Lecture Hall) de pédiatrie Fred Bamatter, Avenue de la Roseraie 45, 1205 Genève – see plan
How to get to the conference site?
All guests of a Hotel in Geneva can receive the Geneva card at the hotel reception which allows you to use public transport for free!
Public transportation:
- You should take bus 7 and get off at “pédiatrie” bus station.
- The direction should be “Lignon-Tour”, which is displayed on the upper front of the bus, for guests who take the bus from the following station: Bout-du-monde, Val-d’Arve, Fontenette and Aubépine.
- For all the remaining bus stations, the direction is “Bout-du-monde”.
- The bus stop from both directions is “Pédiatrie” and stops in front of the lecture hall
- There are no parking spaces, take the public transport, which is very dense and easy to use
- ALL people who have checked in at the hotel should receive a card for all the public transport for the duration of their stay for Geneva. This is not valid for airb&b etc but only hotels. If not receiving spontaneously please ask at the reception.
expensive (60 CHF/day), VERY crowded
The tour and the dinner
There will be an informal dinner on the evening of the 1st.
Dinner at the Café Papon, Rue Henri Fazy 1, 1201 Geneva (19:30h).
Guided Tour in the Patek Philippe Museum (18:00 to 19:15h).
The dinner will be seated. The menu will look like this:
Please let us know if you are a vegetarian, or if you have any allergies that should be considered.
Fee for participation is 60 Euro/60 CHF; for students it is 25 Euro/25 CHF. For participants with an industrial background the participation fee is 220 Euro/220 CHF. Fees can be paid cash (no credit cards!) on registration or with money transfer (see below). The refund for no show is limited to 50%.
Please transfer the conference fee to this account:
Berner Kantonalbank BEKB/BCBE
Société Suisse de Rhinologie
2501 Bienne
Reference "AG OLF"
IBAN CH 15 0079 0016 9399 7171 7
BC code: 79010; SIC 790105
Wireless network connection
1. Find Wifi ((0)) HUG PUBLIC
2. Select your country code then enter your phone number
3. Validate using the Register button
4. Enter the secret code (ex: 0000) sent by SMS by the sender Monzoon
5. Press the Login key
6. If the SMS does not arrive, please call the number +41 43 500 34 53. Listen to the message until the end. The code and telephone number for registration are indicated twice.
Important remarks
Presentations can be brought on a USB key.
If you bring a MAC – please bring an adapter for HDMI
Please note that in Switzerland there are power outlets which possibly differ from your standard. Please bring an adapter!
Prof. Dr. Basile N. Landis
Unité de Rhinologie-Olfactologie, Service d'Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie et de Chirurgie cervico-faciale, Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève; 1211 Genève 14, SUISSE; phone +41 79 55 33 928, Basile.Landis@hcuge.ch
Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Hummel
Department of Otorhinolaryngology
University of Dresden Medical School
Fetscherstrasse 74, 01307 Dresden
Deadline for registration is the 15th of November 2023. Please send an informal application to Thomas Hummel. Please let us know whether you would like to participate in the conference dinner
Invited speakers
Geraldine Coppin, Genenva: The underestimated richness of the olfactory world
Ivan Rodriguez, Geneva: From olfactory receptors to transcriptomic identities
Hotels in der Nähe des Bahnhofs und in der Altstadt sind wahrscheinlich (Neben dem Adriatica und Starling) die besten weil der ÖV zwischen Bahnhof und Spital gut und regelmässig ist, 5-8 min Bus; 15-20 min zu Fuss und die Altstadt zu Fuss 10-15 min vom Spital weg ist.
Scientific program