The international Lab Meeting - Spring 2021
Friday, May 7, 14:00-17:00 h, and Saturday, May 8, 13:00-16:00 h (Berlin/Paris time)
Meeting-ID: 828 910 3856; Code: 1
The meeting is meant to be a platform for exchange. Because it is a lab meeting presentations are not expected to be perfect. So those attendees will be disappointed who just want to come and see brilliant shows.
When you enter the ZOOM, please switch your audio off, and switch your video on.
If you have questions please put them in the chat.
Friday, May 7, 14:00-17:00 h
14:00 | Thomas Hummel | ||
chair: Antje Hähner | |||
14:06 | Antonie Bierling | Dresden | Olfactory perception in relation to the physicochemical odor space |
14:12 | Coralie Mignot | Dresden | Olfactory and trigeminal Event-Related Potentials in migraineurs with or without aura |
14:18 | Moa Peter | Stockholm | Cross-modal processing within olfactory cortex in congenital anosmia |
14:24 | Conner Massey | Aurora | Initial forays into transcriptomic analysis of human olfactory epithelium |
14:30 | Pengfei Han | Chongqingng | Habitual spicy food intake is related to alteration of oral trigeminal and gustatory perception in healthy young females |
14:36 | Martina Tlamkova | Pardubice | Respiratory sniff pattern of anosmics |
14:42 | Laura Schäfer | Dresden | Body odours as a Chemosignals in the mother-child relationship |
14:48 | Carl Philpott | Norwich | Priority setting partnership on smell and taste disorders survey |
14:54 | Victoria Regemorter | Brussels | Olfactory identification dysfunction predicts frailty in a population of older patients scheduled for elective surgery |
15:00 | Jie Mei | Quebec | Early detection of Parkinson's disease using machine learning |
15:06 | Qiang Wang | Guangzhou | Olfactory Dysfunction Is Already Present with Subjective Cognitive Decline and Deepens with Disease Severity in the Alzheimer's Disease Spectrum |
15:12 | Moustafa Bensafi | Lyon | Olfactomotor activity in patients with smell deficits |
15:18 | Bob Pellegrino | Philadelphia | Parosmia in COVID19-associated smell loss |
15:24 | break | ||
15:30 | break | ||
15:36 | break | ||
chair: Caroline Huart | |||
15:42 | Camille Ferdenzi | Lyon | Self-reported post-Covid phantosmia |
15:48 | Christophe Bousquet | Lyon | Impacts of olfactory disorders linked to COVID-19 on quality of life |
15:54 | Andreas Steenholt Niklassen | Aarhus | COVID‐19: Recovery from Chemosensory Dysfunction. A Multicentre study on Smell and Taste |
16:00 | Evelina Thunell | Stockholm | The effect of COVID-19 on olfactory function and cerebral morphology |
16:06 | Konstantinos Garefis | Thessaloniki | CRS phenotypes and bitter taste |
16:12 | Chloé Migneault-Bouchard | Lyon | Comparison of trigeminal sensitivity of chronic rhinosinusitis patients with or without previous nasal surgery |
16:18 | Neelima Gupta | New Delhi | Sinonasal disorders and olfaction |
16:24 | Tanja Drews | Berlin | Smell disorders after fractures of the nose |
16:30 | Aytug Altundag | Istanbul | Olfactory Cleft |
16:36 | Giorgia Sollai | Cagliari | Olfactory function in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) patients |
16:42 | Pavlina Brothankova | Pardubice | Taste examination and texture |
16:48 | Agnieszka Sorokowska | Wroclav | Olfactory sensitivity and food neophobia in adolescents: a preliminary study |
16:54 | Maira Harume Nagai | Durham | Smelling sulfur in Wilson's disease |
17:00 | Basile Landis | Geneva | Tenacious phantosmia. |
Saturday, May 8, 13:00-15:45 h
13:00 | Thomas Hummel | ||
chair: Andreas Niklassen-Steenholt | |||
13:06 | Bano Singh | Oslo | Covid long-haulers and their chemosensory disturbances |
13:12 | Hanani Abdul Manan | Kuala Lumpur | grey matter and white matter changes in congenital and acquired anosmia; a systematic review |
13:18 | Divesh Thaploo | Dresden | Tractography in Olfaction |
13:24 | Benoit Jobin | Quebec | Volumetry of Olfactory Structures in Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment |
13:30 | Yukari Nakamura | Kanazawa | Usefulness of olfactory scintigraphy for the patients with congenital anosmia |
13:36 | Xiaoguang Yan | Dresden | Unusual Structural Pattern of the Anterior Skull Base in Congenital Anosmia |
13:42 | Harris Georgiopoulos | Limköpping | Brain structure (voxel-based morphology) and olfaction in chldren |
13:48 | Behzad Iravani | Stockholm | Non-invasive functional recording from olfactory bulb dissociates PD patients |
13:54 | Valentin Schriever | Berlin | Diagnostic of olfactory dysfunction in children |
14:00 | Michał Pieniak | Wroclaw | Q-Powders – a quick test for screening retronasal olfactory disorders with tasteless powders |
14:06 | Cagdas Guducu | Izmir | Electrophysiological tools for the evaluation of olfactory function |
14:12 | Marylou Mantel | Lyon | Modeling olfactory experience and its variability |
14:18 | Eri Mori | Tokyo | Is the diagnosis correct? Experience from our smell clinic |
14:24 | break | ||
14:30 | break | ||
14:36 | break | ||
chair: Iordanis Konstantinidis | |||
14:42 | Masayoshi Tei | Tokyo | A retrospective study on parosmia and phantosmia |
14:48 | Ayaho Yoshino | Tokyo | Retronasal identification test for Japanese |
14:54 | Julien Hsieh | Geneva | SMELL-RS: a new concept for a smell threshold test |
15:00 | Giancarlo Ottaviano | Padova | Comparison of self-reported symptoms and psychophysical olfactory tests in COVID-19 subjects experiencing long-term olfactory dysfunction |
15:06 | Shubin Li | Guangzhou | Development and validation of the Olfactory Memory Test Battery (OMTB) |
15:12 | Jiayu Huang | Guangzhou | Development of the Self-reported Olfactory Dysfunction Questionnaire (SODQ) |
15:18 | Andreas Steenholt Niklassen | Aarhus | Validation of a Retronasal Olfactory Powder Test and development of a Quick Retronasal Olfactory Test |
15:24 | Anna Oleszkiewicz | Wroclaw | Human olfactory ecology appears to improve the sense of smell in patients and healthy controls |
15:30 | Sotiria Genetzaki | Thessaloniki | Oral steroids in post-URTI olfactory dysfunction |
15:36 | Han-Seok Seo | Fayetville | Effects of auditory cues on gustatory perception and event-related potentials |
15:42 | Vittoria Avarao | Dresden | Train your stem cells to smell better |
15:48 | Birthe Sturm | Dresden/ Boston | Olfactory sensory neurons: How odor exposure influences targeting and regeneration |
15:54 | Patricia Portillo Mazal | Buenos Aires | Developing an accesible 3-item smell test in Argentina in pandemia |