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Curriculum Vitae - Josefine Rothe, Dr. rer. biol. hum.

Curriculum Vitae - Josefine Rothe, Dr. rer. biol. hum.

Professional Experience

Education & Training

Research Interests

  • Lexical and sublexical orthographic knowledge in the impaired and unimpaired spelling acquisition
  • Development and evaluation of reading and spelling assessments
  • Support of learning disabilities in different education systems


Rothe, J., Theuerkauf, M., & Roessner, V. Effects of gender and leisure activities on graphomotor skills, (under review).

Rothe, J., Darcourt, A., Moll, K., Schulte-Körne, G., Schmalz, X. Mediation in the relation of orthographic processing on the lexical and sublexical level with reading and spelling skills. A large cross-sectional study in elementary school children in Germany, (under review).

Rothe, J., Brückner, G., Ring, M., Roessner, V., Wolff, N., Vetter, N.C. Emotions and worries during 1.5 years of the COVID-19 pandemic - Long-term profiles of adults with and without mental health conditions, (accepted).

Rothe, J., Buse, J., Uhlmann, A., Bodmer, B., Kirschbaum, C., Hoekstra, P. J., ... & Roessner, V. (2023). Hair Cortisol and Perceived Stress—Predictors for the Onset of Tics? A European Longitudinal Study on High-Risk Children. Biomedicines, 11(6), 1561.

Rothe, J., Kattlun, F. A., Kaufmann, J., Uhlmann, A., Wanderer, S., Bluschke, A., ... & Roessner, V. (2023). Effects of methylphenidate and physiotherapeutic treatment on graphomotor movements in children with ADHD. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 1-11.

Treier, A. K., Holas, V., Görtz-Dorten, A., Frenk, F., Goldbeck, C., Mücke, K., ...Rothe, J., ... & ADOPT Consortium. (2022). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children with and without affective dysregulation and their families. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 1-11.

Rothe, J., Visser, L., Görgen, R., Kalmar, J., Schulte-Körne, G., & Hasselhorn, M. (2022). Mobile first? Mobile First? Ein Vergleich von Lese‑/Rechtschreibtests in traditionellem Papier-und-Bleistift-Format versus App-Format. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 25(4), 947-973.

Visser, L., Rothe, J., Schulte-Körne, G., & Hasselhorn, M. (2022). Evaluation of an Online Version of the CFT 20-R in Third and Fourth Grade Children. Children, 9(4), 512.

Rothe, J., Buse, J., Uhlmann, A., Bluschke, A., & Roessner, V. (2021). Changes in emotions and worries during the Covid-19 pandemic: an online-survey with children and adults with and without mental health conditions. Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health, 15(1), 1-9.

Roessner, V., Rothe, J., Kohls, G., Schomerus, G., Ehrlich, S., & Beste, C. (2021). Taming the chaos?! Using eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) to tackle the complexity in mental health research. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 30, 1143-1146.

Kerner auch Koerner, J., Visser, L., Rothe, J., Schulte-Koerne, G., & Hasselhorn, M. (2021). Gender differences in the comorbidity of ADHD symptoms and specific learning disorders in a population-based sample. Sustainability, 13(15), 8440.

Buse, J., Rothe, J., Uhlmann, A., Bodmer, B., Kirschbaum, C., Hoekstra, P. J., ... & Roessner, V. (2021). Hair cortisol-a stress marker in children and adolescents with chronic tic disorders? A large European cross-sectional study. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 1-9.

Visser, L., Linkersdörfer, J., Rothe, J., Görgen, R., Hasselhorn, M., & Schulte-Körne, G. (2020). The role of ADHD symptoms in the relationship between academic achievement and psychopathological symptoms. Research in Developmental Disabilities 97 (2020) 103552. Research in developmental disabilities, 103, 103691.

Visser, L., Kalmar, J., Linkersdörfer, J., Görgen, R., Rothe, J., Hasselhorn, M., & Schulte-Körne, G. (2020). Comorbidities between specific learning disorders and psychopathology in elementary school children in Germany. Frontiers in psychiatry, 11, 292.

Rothe, J., Cornell, S., Ise, E., & Schulte-Körne, G. (2015). A comparison of orthographic processing in children with and without reading and spelling disorder in a regular orthography. Reading and Writing, 28, 1307-1332.

Galuschka, K., Rothe, J., & Schulte-Körne, G. (2015). Die methodische Beurteilung und qualitative Bewertung psychometrischer Tests am Beispiel aktueller Verfahren zur Erfassung der Lese-und/oder Rechtschreibleistung. Zeitschrift für Kinder-und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie.

Rothe, J., Schulte-Körne, G., & Ise, E. (2014). Does sensitivity to orthographic regularities influence reading and spelling acquisition? A 1-year prospective study. Reading and Writing, 27, 1141-1161.

Conference Presentations

Rothe, J., Visser, L., Hasselhorn, M., & Schulte‐Körne, G. (2022). Effekte feinmotorischer Schwierigkeiten auf die Rechtschreibleistung. 52. DGPs‐Kongress, 10.09-15.09.2022, Hildesheim, Germany.

Rothe, J., Visser, L., Görgen, R., Kalmar, J., Hasselhorn, M., & Schulte‐Körne, G. (2021). Mobile First? Zur Übertragbarkeit von Lese-/Rechtschreibtests auf mobile Apps. PaePsy (Tagung der Fachgruppe Pädagogische Psychologie). 14.-16.09.2021, online. 

Visser, L., Kerner auch Koerner, J., Rothe, J., Schulte-Körne, G., & Hasselhorn, M. (2021). Geschlechtsunterschiede in der Komorbidität zwischen ADHS und Lernstörungen. PaePsy (Tagung der Fachgruppe Pädagogische Psychologie). 14.-16.09.2021, online. 

Visser, L., Rothe, J., Görgen, R., Kalmar, J., Hasselhorn, M., & Schulte‐Körne, G. (2018). Übereinstimmung von Lese‐ und Rechtschreibleistungen in standardisierten Paper‐Pencil‐Tests und digitalen Testverfahren. 51. DGPs‐Kongress, 15.09.‐20.09.2018, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Rothe, J., Görgen, R., Kalmar, J., Grunwald, K., Visser, L., Hasselhorn, M., & Schulte‐Körne, G. (2017). Machbarkeit eines Screenings via App zu schulischen Leistungen und psychischen Belastungen. 52. Dozententagung der Sektion Sonderpädagogik der DGfE, 20.09.‐22.09.2017, Dresden, Germany.

Görgen, R., Rothe, J., Kalmar, J., Visser, L., Grunwald, K., Hasselhorn, M., & Schulte‐Körne, G. (2017). Learning Disabilities Related to Psychological Distress? A Study Protocol of an Applicationbased Examination. International symposium of the main research ESF (Entwicklungsstörungen schulischer Fertigkeiten), May 3rd ‐ 4th, Munich, Germany.

Rothe, J., Schulte-Körne, G. & Ise, E. (2013) Der Einfluss sublexikalen orthographischen Wissens auf die Entwicklung der Lese- und Rechtschreibleistung. Längsschnittuntersuchung vom Kindergarten bis zur ersten Klasse. XXXIII. Kongress der DGKJP (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie), 06.03.2013-09.03.2013, Rostock, Germany.

Invited Reviewer

  • Reading and Writing - An Interdisciplinary Journal (ISSN: 0922-4777)
  • Journal of Writing Research (ISSN: 2030-1006)
  • Journal of Research in Childhood Education (ISSN: 0256-8543)
  • Journal of Attention Disorders (ISSN: 1087-0547)
  • Journal of Clinical Medicine (ISSN: 2077-0383)
  • Applied Science (ISSN: 2076-3417)
  • BMJ Open (ISSN: 2011-9999)


Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus
Technische Universität Dresden
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Fetscherstraße 74, 01307 Dresden

0351 458-2969