Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge

Curriculum Vitae - Sahid El Masri, M. Sc.

Curriculum Vitae - Sahid El Masri, M. Sc.

Professional Experience

Education & Training 


  • Isfandnia F, El Masri S, Radua J, Rubia K: The effects of chronic administration of stimulant and non-stimulant medications on executive functions in ADHD: A systematic review and meta-analysis (May 2024) -Neuroscience & Biobehavioural Rewiews (IF: 8,20, Journal Cite score: 14,20)


Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus
Technische Universität Dresden
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Fetscherstraße 74, 01307 Dresden

0351 458-11986