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ERCD researcher wins poster award of the German Society of ORL-HNS
13. June 2019

ERCD researcher wins poster award of the German Society of ORL-HNS

Theresa Berg, MD student of the lab, won the poster award of the German Society of ORL-HNS for her work on spectroscopic studies on middle ear mucosa. The middle ear mucosa plays a significant role in the hearing outcome after ossiculoplasty since it ensures the middle ear aeration. Pathologic changes can be noted intraoperatively by the surgeon, whereas histologic examinations are relatively time consuming.  In collaboration with the research group “clinical sensoring and monitoring” the IR-spectroscopy was used to test its sensitivity on the differentiation between normal and pathologic middle ear mucosa. The results are more than promising, since the differentiation between normal, inflamed, sclerotic and granulated mucosal conditions were possible. This enables for both, new treatment strategies upon an objective intraoperative measurement tool and a better prediction of the postoperative middle ear aeration ( and hearing outcome).


Berg, T., Kluge, A., Morgenstern, J., Zahnert, T., Steiner, G., Neudert, M., 2019. Spektroskopische Untersuchungen der Mittelohrschleimhaut, in: Laryngo-Rhino-Otol.