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Kick-Off-Meeting ‚Pitch Pins‘ [EKFZ] - Multiple electrode array for cochlea implants
21. February 2023

Kick-Off-Meeting ‚Pitch Pins‘ [EKFZ] - Multiple electrode array for cochlea implants

ERCD teams up with ITM researchers to develop textile-based next generation multi-electrode arrays for cochlear implants, two year proof-of-concept project funded by Else Kröner-Fresenius-Center for Digital Health (EKFZ).

The hearing of patients with profound hearing loss can currently be restored at specialized centers by implanting artificial inner ear implants (cochlear implants (CI)) as part of a microsurgical implantation procedure. However, due to their design, current CIs have shortcomings in pitch resolution. In cooperation with the Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Textile Materials (ITM), the Ear Research Center Dresden (ERCD) of the Department of Otolaryngology at the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden prepares a proof-of-concept for the development of a textile-based next generation multi-electrode array with up to 100 conductive electrodes as part of an innovative CI. Compared to current electrode arrays, this corresponds to a fivefold increase in the number of contact sites.

The expected improvement in pitch resolution is intended to enhance the perception of tonal speech, the pleasure of listening to music, and thus the quality of life of CI users.

The research is ongoing as part of the Interdisciplinary Innovation Project (IIP) "PitchPins". This 2-year project is funded by the Else Kröner-Fresenius-Center for Digital Health (EKFZ) and combines fast-growing technology fields with clinical application. The kick-off meeting brought together Professor Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Thomas Zahnert (Chair of the ENT clinic at University Hospital Dresden, center left), Professor Dr. med. Marcus Neudert (ERCD Medical Director, right) and the ERCD research group, and Professor Dr.-Ing. habil. Dipl.-Wirt. Ing. Chokri Cherif (Institute Director ITM, holder of the professorship for textile technology, center right) and the research group of ITM to jointly coordinate first steps.

Stay tuned and do not miss any of the groundbreaking findings of this innovative, interdisciplinary project.