Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge


Feto/neonatal Resilience

Improving long-term development by a comprehensive psycho-social support program. 

Feto/neonatal Transition

Optimizing the golden hour of life by improving management in the Delivery Room.

Feto/neonatal Growth

Improving clinical care in pregnant woman at risk of fetal growth restriction.

Feto/neonatal Imaging

Imaging the fetal head to improve long term neurological development.

Feto/neonatal Development

Better understanding of fetal organ development under intra- and extra-uterine conditions.

Feto/neonatal Regenerative Therapies

Bringing Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) into clinical care to prevent inflammation-based diseases.

Feto/neonatal Evidence/ Based Healthcare

Clinical trials and routine health-care data for an optimal treatment.

Feto/neonatal Telemedicine

Evaluating the impact of telemedicine in perinatal and neonatal care.