STOP – Treatment seeking and treatment outcomes in people suffering from posttraumatic stress following war and migration in the Balkans
Europäische Kommission
09/2002 – 01/2006
Unit for Social & Community Psychiatry,, Queen Mary, University of London
Prof. Dr. Stefan Priebe
MitarbeiterInnen der AG Psychiatrische Versorgungsforschung
Anne Kathrin Will, Dr. Matthias Schützwohl (PI Studienzentrum Dresden)
Der Bürgerkrieg im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ist mit großer Grausamkeit geführt worden; die Menschen waren wiederholt potentiell traumatisierenden Erlebnissen ausgesetzt, ein Großteil ist zur Flucht gezwungen worden.
Das Projekt will zwei Fragestellungen beantworten; es untersucht erstens das Inanspruchnahmeverhalten von in Belgrad (Serbien-Montenegro), Dresden (Deutschland), London (Großbritannien) und Zagreb (Kroatien) lebenden kriegstraumatisierten Personen und fragt nach möglichen Barrieren in die Behandlung, und evaluiert zweitens die existierenden Behandlungen in Behandlungszentren in Belgrad (Serbien-Montenegro), Rijeka (Kroatien), Sarajevo (Bosnien-Herzegowina) und Zagreb (Kroatien).
Die Datenerhebung erfolgt mittels Interview, bestehend aus standardisierten Fragebogen (CAPS, BSI, IES-R, MANSA) sowie offenen Fragen.
International Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims, Zagreb, Croatia
Center for Torture Victims Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Belgrade Center for Rehabilitation of Torture Victims, International Aid Network, Belgrade, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia)
Center for Psychotrauma, Psychiatric Clinic, Medical School Rijeka, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Centre for the Economics of Mental Health, Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK
Projektbezogene Publikationen
Jankovic Gavrilovic J, Vidakovic I, Matanov A, Schützwohl M, Ljubotina D, Lecic Tosevski D, Priebe S. (2011). Reasons for not receiving treatment in people with posttraumatic stress disorder following war. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 199: 100-105.
Priebe S, Janković Gavrilović J, Matanov A, Frančišković T, Knežević G, Ljubotina D, Bravo-Mehmedbasic A, Schützwohl M (2010). Treatment outcomes and costs at specialized centers for the treatment of PTSD after the war in former Yugoslavia. Psychiatric Services, 61: 598-604
Priebe S., Bogic M, Ashcroft A, Frančišković T, Galeazzi GM, Kučukalić A, Lečić-Toševski D, Morina N, Popovski M, Roughton M, Schützwohl M, Adjukovic D (2010). Experience of human rights violations and subsequent mental disorders – a study following the war in the Balkans. Social Science & Medicine 71: 2170-2177.
Priebe S, Matanov A, Janković Gavrilović J, McCrone P, Ljubotina D, Knezevic G, Kučukalić A, Frančišković T, Schützwohl M (2009). Consequences of untreated posttraumatic stress disorder following war in former Yugoslavia. Morbidity, subjective quality of life and care costs. Croatian Medical Journal, 50: 465-475
Kučukalić A, Bravo-Mehmedbašić A, Fadilpašic S, Priebe S, Gavrilović-Janković J, McCrone P, Schützwohl M, Ljubotina D, Frančišković T, Lečić-Toševski D (2006). Komparazija sociodemografskih karakteristicka paciejenata sa posttraumatskim stresnim poremćajem u četiri države bivše Jugoslavije nakon rata. [Comparison of socio-demographic characteristics of patients with PTSD in the four countries of former Yugoslavia following the war]. Medicinski Arhiv 60: 230-233.
Jankovic Gavrilović J, Schützwohl M, Fazel M. Priebe S. (2005). Who seeks treatment after a traumatic event and who does not? A review of findings on mental health service utilization and barriers to treatment. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 18: 595-605.
Schützwohl M, Bravo-Mehmedbašić A, Frančišković T, Lečić-Toševski D, Ljubotina D, McCrone P, Gavrilović J, and Priebe S (2004). Treating posttraumatic stress in post-conflict countries and countries that accepted refugees. Report on the STOP-study, a multi-site study on treatment seeking and treatment outcome in people suffering from posttraumatic stress following war and migration in former Yugoslavia. Medicinski Arhiv, 58: 359-362.
Priebe S, Gavrilović J, Schützwohl M, Lečić-Toševski D, Ljubotina D, Bravo Mehmedbašić A, Frančišcović T (2002). Rationale and method of the STOP study – Study on treatment behaviour and outcomes of treatment in people with posttraumtic stress following conflicts in Ex-Yugoslavia. Psihijatrija Danas, 34, 145-159