Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge


Principles and Practice of Clinical Research

The  collaborative distance-learning training program Principles and Practice of Clinical Research offered by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health covers the basics of clinical research (how to formulate a research question, select study population, randomization and blinding methods) to statistical methods (data distribution and classification, statistical tests, sample size calculation, survival analysis, missing data and meta-analysis); data collection, monitoring and reporting (include training in manuscript writing); and study designs (observational studies, non-inferior and adaptive designs and randomized clinical trials).

This program is a distance-learning program; however, participants have to attend weekly 3-hour interactive video-conference sessions with participants from the same location (for instance, participants from Dresden, Germany meet at University of Dresden for the live connection with Harvard). The videoconference sessions are broadcast from Harvard to different centers across the world (individual participants can also participate via web-conference). Participants are required to participate in forum discussions, read articles and complete assignments and statistical exercises. At the end of the 9-month program, there will be a recommended 5-Day Immersion Course to practice the concepts learned in this program. An optional 3-Day Advanced Statistical Workshop and 2-Day Research Manuscript Writing workshops will also be held in Boston, MA.

Principles and Practice of Clinical Research was created by course director Professor Felipe Fregni, MEd, MPH, MMSC, MD, PhD. Prof. Fregni is director of the Spaulding Neuromodulation Center at the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital. He is also Professor of Epidemiology at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Professor of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School.

The local Principles and Practice of Clinical Research Site Center in Dresden is managed by site director Professor Dr. med. Timo Siepmann, FAHA who is a Professor in Neurology (apl.) at University Hosiptal and Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus; director of the Telestroke Network Eastern Saxony (SOS TeleNET), managing director of the Model Medical Degree Program MEDiC and program director of the Master’s Program in Clinical Research at Dresden International University.

Course homepage:


Dresden Site Administration:

Prof. Dr. med. Timo Siepmann, FAHA
AG Schlaganfallforschung & Dresdner Neurovaskuläres Centrum
Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie
Universitätsklinikum und Medizinische Fakultät Carl Gustav Carus
Technische Universität Dresden
Sekretariat: Claudia Bittroff
Tel: +49 (0)351 458-3503