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Leebmann J, Roeseler E, Julius U, Heigl F, Spitthoever R, Heutling D et al. Lipoprotein apheresis in patients with maximally tolerated lipid-lowering therapy, lipoprotein(a)-hyperlipoproteinemia, and progressive cardiovascular disease: prospective observational multicenter study. Circulation 2013; 128(24):2567-2576
Kopprasch S, Bornstein SR, Schwarz PE, Bergmann S, Julius U, Graessler J. Single whole blood dextran sulfate adsorption favorably affects systemic oxidative balance in lipoprotein apheresis patients. Atheroscler Suppl 2013; 14(1):157-160.
Grassler J, Kopprasch S, Passauer J, Fischer S, Schuhmann K, Bergmann S et al. Differential effects of lipoprotein apheresis by lipidfiltration or dextran sulfate adsorption on lipidomic profile. Atheroscler Suppl 2013; 14(1):151-155.
Reimann M, Peitzsch M, Ziemssen T, Julius U, Eisenhofer G. Metabolomic distinction of microvascular effects of lipoprotein apheresis--a pilot study. Atheroscler Suppl 2013; 14(1):143-149.
Reimann M, Julius U, Bornstein SR, Fischer S, Reichmann H, Rudiger H et al. Regular lipoprotein apheresis maintains residual cardiovascular and microvascular function in patients with advanced atherosclerotic disease. Atheroscler Suppl 2013; 14(1):135-141.
Lamounier-Zepter V, Look C, Ehrhart-Bornstein M, Bornstein SR, Fischer S, Julius U. Lipoprotein apheresis reduces adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein serum levels. Atheroscler Suppl 2013; 14(1):129-134.
Tselmin S, Rodionov RN, Muller G, Bornstein S, Julius U. Homocysteine in lipoprotein apheresis patients--retrospective data analysis in apheresis center of a university hospital. Atheroscler Suppl 2013; 14(1):123-128.
Schatz U, Arneth B, Siegert G, Siegels D, Fischer S, Julius U et al. Iron deficiency and its management in patients undergoing lipoprotein apheresis. Comparison of two parenteral iron formulations. Atheroscler Suppl 2013; 14(1):115-122.
Morawietz H, Goettsch W, Brux M, Reimann M, Bornstein SR, Julius U et al. Lipoprotein apheresis of hypercholesterolemic patients mediates vasoprotective gene expression in human endothelial cells. Atheroscler Suppl 2013; 14(1):107-113.
Taseva K, Fischer S, Passauer J, Weiss N, Bornstein SR, Julius U. Factors inducing cardiovascular events in patients treated by lipoprotein apheresis. Atheroscler Suppl 2013; 14(1):45-50.
von Dryander, M, Fischer S, Passauer J, Muller G, Bornstein SR, Julius U. Differences in the atherogenic risk of patients treated by lipoprotein apheresis according to their lipid pattern. Atheroscler Suppl 2013; 14(1):39-44.
Stefanutti C, Julius U. Lipoprotein apheresis: state of the art and novelties. Atheroscler Suppl 2013; 14(1):19-27.
Fischer S, Schatz U, Julius U. Current standards in diagnosis and therapy of hyperlipoproteinemia. Atheroscler Suppl 2013; 14(1):15-18
Julius U, Fischer S, Schatz U, Passauer J, Bornstein S. Why an apheresis center should offer more than one lipoprotein apheresis method. Ther Apher Dial 2013; 17(2):179-184
Julius U, Taseva K, Fischer S, Passauer J, Bornstein SR. Current situation of lipoprotein apheresis in Saxony. Atheroscler Suppl 2013; 14(1):51-55
Julius U, Fischer S. Nicotinic acid as a lipid-modifying drug--a review. Atheroscler Suppl 2013; 14(1):7-13
Julius U. Niacin as antidyslipidemic drug. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 2015;93(12):1043-1054
Julius U, Milton M, Stoellner D, Rader D, Gordon B, Polk D, et al. Effects of lipoprotein apheresis on PCSK9 levels. Atheroscler Suppl 2015;18:180-186
Julius U, Siegert G, Kostka H, Schatz U, Hohenstein B. Effects of different lipoprotein apheresis methods on serum protein levels. Atheroscler Suppl 2015;18:95-102
Tselmin S, Muller G, Gelgaft E, Fischer S, Julius U. An elevated lipoprotein(a) plasma level as a cardiovascular risk factor. Atheroscler Suppl 2015;18:257-262
Stefanutti C, D'Alessandri G, Petta A, Harada-Shiba M, Julius U, Soran H, et al. First on-line survey of an international multidisciplinary working group (MightyMedic) on current practice in diagnosis, therapy and follow-up of dyslipidemias. Atheroscler Suppl 2015;18:241-250.
Stasiewski E, Christoph M, Christoph A, Bittner A, Weidner K, Julius U. Mental symptoms and quality of life in lipoprotein apheresis patients in comparison to hemodialysis patients, platelet donors and normal population. Atheroscler Suppl 2015;18:233-240.
Gross E, Hohenstein B, Julius U. Effects of Lipoprotein apheresis on the Lipoprotein(a) levels in the long run. Atheroscler Suppl 2015;18:226-232.
Emmrich U, Hohenstein B, Julius U. Actual situation of lipoprotein apheresis in Saxony in 2013. Atheroscler Suppl 2015;18:215-225.
Schampera S, Fischer S, Weiss N, Julius U. Detailed description of the cardiovascular situation in patients who have started lipoprotein apheresis treatment. Atheroscler Suppl 2015;18:209-214.
Schatz U, Illigens BM, Siepmann T, Arneth B, Siegert G, Siegels D, et al. TIDILAP: Treatment of iron deficiency in lipoprotein apheresis patients --A prospective observational multi-center cohort study comparing efficacy, safety and tolerability of ferric gluconate with ferric carboxymaltose. Atheroscler Suppl 2015;18:199-208.
Fischer S, Schatz U, Julius U. Practical recommendations for the management of hyperlipidemia. Atheroscler Suppl 2015;18:194-198.
Graessler J, Schuhmann K, Shevchenko A, Kopprasch S, Ban R, Bergmann S, et al. Increasing plasma lysophosphatidylcholine levels in patients with regular dextran sulfate lipoprotein apheresis. Atheroscler Suppl 2015;18:170-175.
Scholz M, Tselmin S, Fischer S, Julius U. Hypertriglyceridemia in an outpatient department--Significance as an atherosclerotic risk factor. Atheroscler Suppl 2015;18:146-153.
Hohenstein B, Passauer J, Ziemssen T, Julius U. Immunoadsorption with regenerating systems in neurological disorders --A single center experience. Atheroscler Suppl 2015;18:119-123.
Stefanutti C, Julius U. Treatment of primary hypertriglyceridemia states--General approach and the role of extracorporeal methods. Atheroscler Suppl 2015;18:85-94.
Kopprasch S, Bornstein SR, Bergmann S, Graessler J, Julius U. Long-term therapeutic efficacy of lipoprotein apheresis on circulating oxidative stress parameters--A comparison of two different apheresis techniques. Atheroscler Suppl 2015;18:80-84.
Dittrich-Riediger J, Schatz U, Hohenstein B, Julius U. Adverse events of lipoprotein apheresis and immunoadsorption at the Apheresis Center at the University Hospital Dresden. Atheroscler Suppl 2015;18:45-52.
Schettler VJ, Neumann CL, Peter C, Zimmermann T, Julius U, Roeseler E, et al. First data from the German Lipoprotein Apheresis Registry (GLAR). Atheroscler Suppl 2015;18:41-44.
Schettler VJ, Neumann CL, Peter C, Zimmermann T, Julius U, Roeseler E, et al. Impact of the German Lipoprotein Apheresis Registry (DLAR) on therapeutic options to reduce increased Lp(a) levels. Clin Res Cardiol Suppl 2015;10:14-20
Julius U. Statine und erhöhte Inzidenz an Diabetes. Diabetes aktuell 2015;13:208-214
Schettler VJ, Roeseler E, Thode C, Grützmacher P, Klingel R, Julius U. Differenzierung der Indikation zur Lipoproteinapherese bei erhöhtem Lp(a) durch unterschiedliche Messmethoden. CARDIOVASC 2015; 15:36-38
Roeseler E, Julius U, Heigl F, Spitthoever R, Heutling D, Breitenberger P, Leebmann J, Lehmacher W, Kamstrup PR, Nordestgaard BG, Maerz W, Noureen A, Schmidt K, Kronenberg F, Heibges A, Klingel R, ProLiFe-Study G. Lipoprotein Apheresis for Lipoprotein(a)-Associated Cardiovascular Disease: Prospective 5 Years of Follow-Up and Apolipoprotein(a) Characterization. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2016;36:2019-27.
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Julius U. Wirkungsweise und Effekte der PCSK9-Inhibitoren. herzmedizin 2016:22-7
Julius U. Lipoprotein apheresis in the management of severe hypercholesterolemia and of elevation of lipoprotein(a): current perspectives and patient selection. Med Devices (Auckl) 2016;9:349-60.
Schettler V, Hohenstein B, Julius U, Klingel R. Therapeutische Apherese - Wie ist der aktuelle Stand? Dialyse aktuell 2016;20:490 - 6
Julius U. History of lipidology and lipoprotein apheresis. Atheroscler Suppl 2017;30:1-8.
Tselmin S, Muller G, Schatz U, Julius U, Bornstein SR, Hohenstein B. Kinetics of Lipoprotein(a) in patients undergoing weekly lipoprotein apheresis for Lp(a) hyperlipoproteinemia. Atheroscler Suppl 2017;30:209-16
Tselmin S, Julius U, Bornstein SR, Hohenstein B. Low rate of infectious complications following immunoadsorption therapy without regular substitution of intravenous immunoglobulins. Atheroscler Suppl 2017;30:278-82
Sradnick J, Tselmin S, Wagner A, Julius U, Todorov V, Hugo C, Hohenstein B. H.E.L.P apheresis exerts long term effects on the capacity of circulating proangiogenic cells. Atheroscler Suppl 2017;30:232-7.
Schmidt N, Grammer T, Gouni-Berthold I, Julius U, Kassner U, Klose G, Konig C, Laufs U, Otte B, Steinhagen-Thiessen E, Wanner C, Marz W. CaRe high - Cascade screening and registry for high cholesterol in Germany. Atheroscler Suppl 2017;30:72-6.
Schettler VJJ, Ringel J, Jacob S, Julius U, Klingel R, Heigl F, Roeseler E, Grutzmacher P, German Society of Nephrology, the Foundation of German Centers of Nephrology. Current insights into the German lipoprotein apheresis standard: PCSK9-inhibitors, lipoprotein apheresis or both? Atheroscler Suppl 2017;30:44-9.
Schatz U, Tselmin S, Muller G, Julius U, Hohenstein B, Fischer S, Bornstein SR. Most significant reduction of cardiovascular events in patients undergoing lipoproteinapheresis due to raised Lp(a) levels - A multicenter observational study. Atheroscler Suppl 2017;30:246-52
Korneva V, Kuznetsova T, Julius U. Analysis of lipid metabolism and its impact on the risk of ischemic heart disease in patients with definite familial hypercholesterolemia. Atheroscler Suppl 2017;30:56-62.
Kopprasch S, Bornstein SR, Bergmann S, Graessler J, Hohenstein B, Julius U. Long-term follow-up of circulating oxidative stress markers in patients undergoing lipoprotein apheresis by Direct Adsorption of Lipids (DALI). Atheroscler Suppl 2017;30:115-21.
Jellinghaus S, Reich C, Schatz U, Tselmin S, Ibrahim K, Pfluecke C, Schauer A, Bornstein SR, Hohenstein B, Strasser RH, Julius U, Poitz DM. Lipoprotein apheresis influences monocyte subpopulations. Atheroscler Suppl 2017;30:108-14.
Hohenstein B, Tselmin S, Bornstein SR, Julius U. How effectively will PCSK9 inhibitors allow retrieval of freedom from apheresis in cardiovascular high risk patients? - Estimates form a large single center. Atheroscler Suppl 2017;30:28-32.
Hohenstein B, Julius U, Lansberg P, Jaeger B, Mellwig KP, Weiss N, Graehlert X, Roeder I, Ramlow W. Rationale and design of MultiSELECt: A European Multicenter Study on the Effect of Lipoprotein(a) Elimination by lipoprotein apheresis on Cardiovascular outcomes. Atheroscler Suppl 2017;30:180-6
Heigl F, Pflederer T, Schettler V, Grutzmacher P, Julius U, Ringel J, David-Walek T, Hettich R, Lotz N, Reeg H, Graf M, Klor HU. Lipidological competence centres and networks: Future perspectives to improve healthcare of patients with disorders of lipid metabolism. Atheroscler Suppl 2017;30:63-71.
Fischer S, Julius U. Management of patients with statin intolerance. Atheroscler Suppl 2017;30:33-7.
Dietze J, Hohenstein B, Tselmin S, Julius U, Bornstein SR, Beissert S, Gunther C. Successful and well-tolerated bi-weekly immunoadsorption regimen in pemphigus vulgaris. Atheroscler Suppl 2017;30:271-7
Schettler VJJ, Neumann CL, Peter C, Zimmermann T, Julius U, Roeseler E, Heigl F, Grutzmacher P, Blume H, Vogt A, Scientific Board of GLAR for the German Apheresis Working Group. The German Lipoprotein Apheresis Registry (GLAR) - almost 5 years on. Clin Res Cardiol Suppl 2017;12:44-9
Kroemer TM, Erler A, Tsourdi E, Gruber M, Tselmin S, Julius U, Aringer M, Hofbauer LC, Rachner TD. Immunoadsorption Followed by Rituximab as a Definitive Treatment for Insulin Autoimmune Syndrome (Hirata Syndrome): A Case Report. Diabetes Care 2018;41:e23-e24
Schmidt N, Dressel A, Grammer TB, Gouni-Berthold I, Julius U, Kassner U, Klose G, Konig C, Koenig W, Otte B, Parhofer KG, Reinhard W, Schatz U, Schunkert H, Steinhagen-Thiessen E, Vogt A, Laufs U, Marz W. Lipid-modifying therapy and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol goal attainment in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia in Germany: The CaReHigh Registry. Atherosclerosis 2018;277:314-22
De Gucht V, Cromm K, Vogt A, Julius U, Hohenstein B, Spitthover RM, Ramlow W, Schettler VJJ, Maes S. Treatment-related and health-related quality of life in lipoprotein apheresis patients. J Clin Lipidol 2018;5:1225-1233
Julius U, Tselmin S, Bornstein SR. Lipoprotein apheresis: yesterday, today, tomorrow. Russ J Cardiol 2018;23:74-8
Weiss N, Julius U. Lipoprotein(a) apheresis in patients with peripheral arterial disease: rationale and clinical results. Clin Res Cardiol Suppl 2019;14:39-44
Julius U, Tselmin S, Schatz U, Fischer S, Bornstein SR. Lipoprotein(a) and proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 inhibitors. Clin Res Cardiol Suppl 2019;14:45-50.
Julius U, Tselmin S, Schatz U, Fischer S, Bornstein SR. Lipoprotein(a)-an interdisciplinary challenge. Clin Res Cardiol Suppl 2019;14:20-7.
Julius U, Tselmin S, Schatz U, Fischer S, Bornstein SR. Indikation und Ergebnisse der Apherese-Behandlung bei Lipoprotein(a)- Erhöhungen. CardioVasc 2019;19:35-39.
Julius U, Tselmin S, Schatz U, Fischer S, Birkenfeld AL, Bornstein SR. Actual situation of Lipoprotein apheresis in patients with elevated Lipoprotein(a) levels. Atheroscler Suppl 2019;40:1-7
Walther R, Julius U, Tselmin S, Schatz U, Bornstein SR, Graessler J. Short- and long-term effects of lipoprotein apheresis on plasma hormones in patients with therapy-resistant dyslipidemia. Atheroscler Suppl 2019;40:30-7.
Tselmin S, Julius U, Weinert N, Bornstein SR, Schatz U. Experience with proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexine type 9 inhibitors (PCSK9i) in patients undergoing lipoprotein apheresis. Atheroscler Suppl 2019;40:38-43.
Straube R, Muller G, Voit-Bak K, Tselmin S, Julius U, Schatz U, Rietzsch H, Reichmann H, Chrousos GP, Schurmann A, Jarc L, Ziemssen T, Siepmann T, Bornstein SR. Metabolic and Non-Metabolic Peripheral Neuropathy: Is there a Place for Therapeutic Apheresis? Horm Metab Res 2019;51:779-84.
Spitthover R, Roseler T, Julius U, Heigl F, Schettler VJJ, Kuhn R, Leebmann J, Raabe A, Knittel M, Schurfeld C, Moesenthin M, Bernhardt WM, Roseler E, Ketteler M, Heibges A, Klingel R. Real-world study: Escalating targeted lipid-lowering treatment with PCSK9-inhibitors and lipoprotein apheresis. J Clin Apher 2019:1-11.
Schettler VJJ, Neumann CL, Peter C, Zimmermann T, Julius U, Hohenstein B, Roeseler E, Heigl F, Grutzmacher P, Blume H, Klingel R, Vogt A, Scientific Board of GLAR for the German Apheresis Working Group. Lipoprotein apheresis is an optimal therapeutic option to reduce increased Lp(a) levels. Clin Res Cardiol Suppl 2019;14:33-8.
Julius U. Herkömmliche und zukünftige Therapiekonzepte bei Hypertriglyzeridämie. Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 2019;48:391-9
Schettler V, de Groot K, Fassbender C, Grützmacher P, Heigl F, Julius U, Kielstein J, Klaus G, Klingel R, Roeseler E, Schmitt C-P, Taylan C, Thumfart J, Vogt A, Weiss N, Hohenstein B. Standard der Therapeutischen Apherese 2019
Schatz U, Fischer S, Muller G, Tselmin S, Birkenfeld AL, Julius U, Marz W, Bornstein SR. Cardiovascular risk factors in patients with premature cardiovascular events attending the University of Dresden Lipid Clinic. Atheroscler Suppl 2019;40:94-9
Korneva V, Kuznetsova T, Julius U. Efficiency and problems of statin therapy in patients with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia. Atheroscler Suppl 2019;40:79-87.
Klingel R, Heigl F, Schettler V, Roeseler E, Grutzmacher P, Hohenstein B, Vogt A, Fassbender C, Heibges A, Julius U. Lipoprotein(a) - Marker for cardiovascular risk and target for lipoprotein apheresis. Atheroscler Suppl 2019;40:17-22.
Heigl F, Pflederer T, Klingel R, Hettich R, Lotz N, Reeg H, Schettler VJJ, Roeseler E, Grutzmacher P, Hohenstein B, Julius U. Lipoprotein apheresis in Germany - Still more commonly indicated than implemented. How can patients in need access therapy? Atheroscler Suppl 2019;40:23-9
Fischer S, Schatz U, Julius U, Tselmin S, Bornstein S. Bedeutung der Lp(a)-Spiegel: zwei Kasuistiken - Patienten mit Hypercholesterinämie, massiv erhöhtem Lipoprotein(a)-Spiegel und schweren Gefäßkomplikationen. Ärzteblatt Sachsen 2019:23 - 6
Julius U, Tselmin S, Schatz U, Fischer S, Bornstein SR. Aktuelle Rolle der PCSK9-Inhibitoren bei der Behandlung von Hypercholesterinämie-Patienten. Herzmedizin 2020;1:19-27.
Julius U, Kuss S, Tselmin S, Schatz U, Bornstein SR. Why Some Patients Undergoing Lipoprotein Apheresis Therapy Develop New Cardiovascular Events? J Cardiovasc Dev Dis 2020;7.
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