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Selected publications

  • Balyura M, Gelfgat E … Ludwig B…Bornstein SR. Transplantation of bovine adrenocortical cells encapsulated in alginate. PNAS, 2015
  • Neufeld T, Ludwig B… Balyura M…Bornstein SR, Rotem A. The efficacy of an immunoisolating membrane system for islet xenotransplantation in minipigs. PlosOne, 2013
  • Barkai U… Ludwig B, Bornstein SR… Balyura M… Rotem A. Enhanced oxygen supply improves islet viability in a new bioartificial pancreas. Cell Transplant. 2013
  • Ludwig B…Balyura M…Bornstein SR, Barkai U. Improvement of islet function in a bioartificial pancreas by enhanced oxygen supply and growth hormone releasing hormone agonist. PNAS, 2012