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Group members




Mariko Sue, MD PhD (Postdoc)

0351 458-6606

Alexia Belavgeni (PhD Candidate)

0351 458-6606

Maria Schuster (Animal care specialist & MTA): 

0351 458-6262

Uta Lehnert ( Senior MTA)

0351 458-6605

Linda Friedrich (MTA)

0351 458-6605

Selected publications on this topic

  1. Kanczkowski W, Tymoszuk P, Ehrhart-Bornstein M, Wirth MP, Zacharowski K, Bornstein SR. Abrogation of TLR4 and CD14 expression and signalling in human adrenocortical tumours. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010;95:E421-9.
  2. Kanczkowski W, Chatzigeorgiou A, Samus M, Tran N, Zacharowski K, Chavakis T, Bornstein SR. Characterization of the LPS-induced inflammation of the adrenal gland in mice. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2013;371:228-35.
  3. Kanczkowski W, Chatzigeorgiou A, Grossklaus S, Sprott D, Bornstein SR, Chavakis T. Role of the endothelial-derived endogenous anti-inflammatory factor Del-1 in inflammation-mediated adrenal gland dysfunction. Endocrinology. 2013;3:1181-9.
  4. Kanczkowski W, Alexaki VI, Grossklaus S, Popovic P, Tran N, Zacharowski K, Block NL, Chavakis T, Schally A Bornstein SR. Hypothalamo-pituitary and immune-mediated regulation of adrenal gland during systemic inflammation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013;110:14801-6.
  5. Kanczkowski W, Sue M, Zacharowski K, Reincke M, Bornstein SR. The role of adrenal gland microenvironment in the HPA axis function and dysfunction during sepsis. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2015;408:241-248.
  6. Janewein C, Ngyuen T, Kanczkowski W, Heerdegen L, Kantharajah A, Dröse S, Bornstein SR, Scheller B and Zacharowski K. Mortality of septic mice strongly correlates with adrenal gland inflammation. Crit. Care Med. 2016;44:e190-9.
  7. Kanczkowski W, Sue M, Bornstein SR. Adrenal Gland Microenvironment and Its Involvement in the Regulation of Stress-Induced Hormone Secretion during Sepsis. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2016 14;7:156.
  8. Kanczkowski W, Sue M, Bornstein SR. Adrenal Gland Microenvironment in health, disease  and during regeneration. Hormone 2017 in press