Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge

Curriculum Vitae - Dr. med. habil. Robert Waltereit

Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Robert Waltereit

Consultant, research group leader

Specialist for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Specialist for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Education and Employment 


Top10 Publications

  • Waltereit R, Dammermann B, Wulff P, Scafidi J, Staubli U, Kauselmann G, Bundman M, Kuhl D. Arg3.1/Arc mRNA induction by Ca2+ and cAMP requires protein kinase A and mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular regulated kinase activation. J Neurosci (2001) 21:5484-93
  • Waltereit R, Welzl H, Dichgans J, Lipp HP, Schmidt WJ, Weller M. Enhanced episodic-like memory and kindling epilepsy in a rat model of Tuberous Sclerosis. J Neurochem (2006) 96:407-13. Epub 2005 Nov 21
  • Plath N, Ohana O, Dammermann B, Errington ME, Gross C, Mao X, Engelsberg A, Mahlke C, Welzl H, Kobalz U, Stawrakakis A, Fernandez E, Waltereit R, Bick-Sander A, Therstappen E, Cooke SF, Blanquet V, Wurst W, Salmen B, Bosl M, Lipp HP, Schmitz D, Grant SGN, Bliss TVP, Wolfer DP, Kuhl D. Arg3.1/Arc is essential for the consolidation of synaptic plasticity and memories. Neuron (2006) 52:437-44
  • Waltereit R, Mannhardt S, Nescholta S, Maser-Gluth C, Bartsch D. Selective and protracted effect of nifedipine on fear memory extinction correlates with induced stress response. Learn Mem (2008) 15:348-56
  • Waltereit R, Leimer U, von Bohlen und Halbach O, Panke J, Hölter S, Garrett L, Wittig K, Schneider M, Schmitt C, Calzada-Wack J, Neff F, Becker L, Prehn C, Kutscherjawy S, Endris V, Bacon C, Fuchs H, Gailus-Durner V, Berger S, Schönig K, Adamski J, Klopstock T, Esposito I, Wurst W, Hrabě de Angelis M, Rappold G, Wieland T, Bartsch D. Srgap3-/- mice present a neurodevelopmental disorder with schizophrenia-related intermediate phenotypes. FASEB J (2012) 26:4418-28. Epub 2012 Jul 20
  • Waltereit R, Banaschewski T, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Poustka L. Interaction of neurodevelopmental pathways and synaptic plasticity in mental retardation, autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia: Implications for psychiatry. World J Biol Psychiatry (2014) 15:507-16. Epub 2013 Sep 30
  • Schneider M, de Vries PJ, Schönig K, Roessner V, Waltereit R. mTOR inhibitor reverses autistic-like social deficit behaviours in adult rats with both Tsc2 haploinsufficiency and developmental status epilepticus. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci (2017) 267:455-463. Epub 2016 Jun 4
  • Laux G, Waltereit R: Anamnese und Befund bei psychischen Erkrankungen. Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart (2017)
  • Waltereit R, Uhlmann A, Roessner V. Adolescent psychiatry-from the viewpoint of a child and adolescent psychiatrist. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2018) 11:1383-1385
  • Waltereit R, Feucht M, de Vries M, Huemer J, Roessner V, de Vries P. Neuropsychiatrische Manifestationen bei Tuberöse Sklerose (TSC): Diagnostische Leitlinien, TAND-Konzept und Therapie mit mTOR-Inhibitoren. Z Kinder Jugendpsychiatr Psychother (2018) Aug 6:1-14. doi: 10.1024/1422-4917/a000604. [Epub ahead of print]